miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017



Trujillo, January 06, 2010
Mr. Dr. Pedro Guillermo Urbina Ganvini
President Superior Court of Justice of La Libertad

The undersigned Dr. Pedro Quiñones Figueroa is Medico Surgeon, Master in Public Health, International Consultant and President of the NGO Satyagraha - Aferraos with Force to the Truth or Force of the Soul, postulate of the Mahatma Gandhi, and the Institute of Health and , Human Rights, which also includes the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, institutions that has among its aims: promote promotion and training on issues related to the protection of the family, strengthen the teaching of human rights and carry out development actions, in the region.

As stated in the Political Constitution of Peru: "It is the right and duty of neighbors to participate in municipal government" (article 31) and "Municipalities have competence to participate in the management of activities and services inherent to the State" ( Article 192, subsection 6), and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Every person has duties to the community ... and in the exercise of his rights and in the enjoyment of his freedoms, everyone shall be subject to the limitations Of the law to ensure the right and freedom of others "(article 29).

Aware of the training conducted by the Court that you preside over 400 ronderos in Huamachuco, and considering also the Fundamental Rights of the Person and the right To information, education and health, is that we ask you to provide us with the materials of this training, so that it serves our NGO as a normative guide as information and Participation of social leaders and to disseminate this information, advancing in this way in the intersectoral actions of the State,

The dissemination of Human Rights and as a contribution to the construction of Citizenship, so important for the country.

Thanking you in advance for your attention and committing ourselves to maintaining coordination with your worthy Presidency,

 Dr. Pedro Quiñones Figueroa
 ID. 07197754 CMP. 21344
Tel. 674241 Cell Claro 94872133208

I use the case of peasant self-defense groups and their treatment regarding potential reparations benefits to explore the challenges involved in combining a human rights agenda with issues of historical interpretation..


Victim Reparations in the Peruvian Truth Commission and the Challenge of Historical Interpretation

Int J Transit Justice (2008) 2 (1): 63-82.
01 March 2008

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