I have written about Happiness and Beauty, I would like to think about Imagination. It is characteristic of the right lobe and the Calloso bridge of late maturation isolates. It is stimulated with lights and sounds in the fetus, with colors and medical in the newborn. Own Art and Philosophy is developed with Meditation and always in Twilight. Regarding meditation in martial art one concentrates in a point of light, dance and with circular movements, and arms that protect middle line intersect, and fingers that follow the guiding feathers of the heron, one finds Unity and Rota in a plane of Neutrality. It always ends with an entanglement of hands and an inclination of humility, and again one acquires vision in cosmological and unitary dimensions and thinking, and one plays with trees and flowers and understands. The Oneness of Yin and Yang causes the Mind to reach the Imagination. It is up to the discipline to organize it into a system of intimate full Unitarian life.
I like it
GALLERY OF ART AMALIA SANTAMARIA define the beauty? Maybe the green that brings us back to our condition of mammals. Probably the quiet, pristine look of a sage. In the child of round face or in the woman of curvilinear forms. In advance I will comment that these definitions fall within the concept of persistent health of the mammals, the mane of the king lion, the mane of arab horse, are messages that define the alpha and the male. The Greeks honored Zeus Olympian, with Panhellenic Games that valued Gymnastics, but Athens and democracy honored the Sciences and Philosophy. In the Greeks the art was born with flutes of Pan and citaras, the pablo music comes from Muses and is identified in its origins with Delphi. More ancient still is the rock painting, a hands sprinkled around with red earth, profiles of polychrome bison all requesting augury. Thus art seeks the expression, the manifestations of the spectator, make it participate, its identification and participation in the product of the artist. Art seeks rhythm and arnonia, Beauty is therefore that state of merciful look that unites us with the cosmos and with the Everything, that makes us feel the presence of God as Mercy, It is our sense itself, our definition of anima, living beings. I will present two pictures that I have been motivated to share and to recommend, as a commitment to a Lady and to the Culture Peru Art
Human Rights 3rd Generation
Poruqe Huamnos Rights of 3rd Generation Autonomies Native and indigenous communities and the Environment. I have touched the Autonomies and Nations. In close relation are the Peasant Communities or Ayllus or Clans in that sense I have attached a link with the photograph of the origins of the English language, but this is demonstrated by deep studies of the human genome, that the English race does not come from any kingdom of the Tribes of the north of Europe but they are unique, as well as the Irish race that is known for being the first missions of the North Sea that even arrived at the Ultima Thule, and well as it is recognized that the languages although they have a rich diversity also Can trace their origins and form a genealogical tree that takes us back to Mesopotamia or China, and as it is recognized that languages gave rise to being human properly, also the culture that from the very dawn of the humanodad reconcoe potato, aji , The corn as originating in Peru in the Cueva del Hombre de Lricocha, when the potato was a bitter fruit and the maize was about the size of a fingernail, or when rec Oncen in the glaciers of this cave of Huanuco, the very origin of the pachamanca, and the remains indicate a narrow valley with remains of newly born auquenifdos that reveal the very birth not only of the agriculture but of the livestock, and thus as it says First was the word to take account of the differentiation between man and nature, the conquest of the Panandan man, points us the same realities with nature and conquest and brotherhood with the earth, land that was dominated and in close relationship gave us in The Andean reality or the platforms or more properly as Duccio Bonavia says, the bamcales, and irrigation canals and the very notion of huaca as a demonstration of lordship and technology of the first degree of astrology. Thus peasant communities or ayllues represent the arrival of this gigantic strain and also the acclimatization and the emergence of civilization in 1800 valleys and rivers of the Andes and deserts, which as Archipelago I lay the bases mimsa kingdoms and empires, culminating in Tupac Amaru II as the last Inca, and had rejoined with Garcilazo de la Vega Inca, the first mestizo, and reminds the founding pioneers and families of their own ancestral and mythological connotation, and the very foundation of nations, Our country pallar and pisco, loom and ceramics, all products of that unrepeatable moment and of original culture that reconcoe the moche gold as of the finest purity and unknown technology, or as Claude Levi Straus points out in The Way of The Masks It brings back to the last glaciaion and the masks that in the west coast of the USA represent Japanese fish and the ancestral techniques esquimales of kayaks with skin of fish, and Above all the ayllu, or brand or clan, and his own totem and brotherhood with a brother animal, which Nature points out to us, and that as Francis of Assisi said the revolutionary of the Catholic Church, we must sing as Hermano Sol Hermana Luna And return to the mystical path touched by Gustavo Gutoierrez and Liberation Theology, because humanity is not reason but imagination and to reach the principles included in the pure sciences requires a mystical examination a resume our relationship with God and Nature . Remembering Albert Einstein with his God does not play dice It is clear that the Universe has not been the source of a chance, and Sigmund Freud, with his sentence that the human being is only a rider in his reason, riding on a runaway horse that is the unconscious, and finally saying that Man Has everything to his hands, but he is not happy, because the devil has chosen to hide the happiness within him so that he can not find it and in part he has projected his own desrttuccion as Erich Frohm points out with the trilogy of Oedipism Narcissism and Nercfilia, which already Had given rise to Julius Caesar Napoleon and Hitler, but now hangs over us as Climate change, the last affront to that ignorance, that egocentrism, that ignorance porpia of an isolated being, that faces us to the last catastrophe, the catastrophe Of the climatic change and to the possible disappearance of everything coined. Let us therefore return to Hogar as a link of the house that gives warmth to the family, and to Athens, with its democracy and citizenship, and give a more alternative to Man, and to the phenomenal city that has not more than a few years
martes, 25 de abril de 2017
sábado, 22 de abril de 2017
GALLERY OF ART AMALIA SANTAMARIA define the beauty? Maybe the green that brings us back to our condition of mammals. Probably the quiet, pristine look of a sage. In the child of round face or in the woman of curvilinear forms. In advance I will comment that these definitions fall within the concept of persistent health of the mammals, the mane of the king lion, the mane of arab horse, are messages that define the alpha and the male. The Greeks honored Zeus Olympian, with Panhellenic Games that valued Gymnastics, but Athens and democracy honored the Sciences and Philosophy. In the Greeks the art was born with flutes of Pan and citaras, the pablo music comes from Muses and is identified in its origins with Delphi. More ancient still is the rock painting, a hands sprinkled around with red earth, profiles of polychrome bison all requesting augury. Thus art seeks the expression, the manifestations of the spectator, make it participate, its identification and participation in the product of the artist. Art seeks rhythm and arnonia, Beauty is therefore that state of merciful look that unites us with the cosmos and with the Everything, that makes us feel the presence of God as Mercy, It is our sense itself, our definition of anima, living beings. I will present two pictures that I have been motivated to share and to recommend, as a commitment to a Lady and to the Culture Peru Art
GALERIE D'ART AMALIA SANTAMARIA définissez-vous la beauté? Peut-être le vert qui nous ramène à notre mammifères. Probablement le regard calme et vierge d'un sage. Chez l'enfant visage rond ou femme formes curvilignes. commentaire à l'avance que ces définitions entrent dans le concept des restes de la santé des mammifères Roi Lion crinière, crinières des chevaux arabes, sont des messages qui définissent l'alpha et le mâle. Les Grecs ont fait l'honneur de Zeus Olympien, avec panhelléniques Jeux qui valorisait Gimnasia, mais Athènes et la démocratie honneur sciences et philosophie. Dans l'art grec est né avec des flûtes de Pan et lyres, de la musique et la parole vient de Muses à l'origine identifié avec Delphi. Les plus anciennes peintures rupestres est encore une main autour saupoudrées avec de la terre rouge, les profils de bisons polychromes tout présage demander. Ainsi, l'art cherche l'expression, les manifestations de spectateurs participent à nouveau, leur identification et leur participation au taux de recherche de produits artista.El art et arnonia, la beauté est parce que l'état regard miséricordieux qui nous unit avec le cosmos et la tout ce qui nous fait sentir la présence de Dieu comme miséricorde, il est notre sens, notre définition de ANIMA, les êtres vivants. Présenter deux images que j'ai été motivé à partager et à recommander, comme un engagement à une dame et de la culture et des arts du Pérou
ART GALLERY آماليا سانتاماريا تعرفين الجمال؟ ولعل الخضراء التي يعيدنا إلى الثدييات لدينا. ربما تبدو
هادئة والبكر من حكيم. في الطفل الوجه أو امرأة الجولة الأشكال المنحنية. مسبقا تعليق أن هذه التعريفات تقع ضمن مفهوم بقايا صحة الثدييات بدة الأسد الملك، المانوية الخيول العربية، هي الرسائل التي تحدد ألفا والذكور. جعل اليونانيين شرف زيوس الأولمبي، مع ألعاب الهلينية بقيمة جيمناسيا، ولكن أثينا والديمقراطية العلوم كرمت والفلسفة. في الفن اليوناني ولدت مع المزامير عموم والقيثارات والموسيقى والكلمة يأتي من يفكر حددت أصلا مع دلفي. أقدم اللوحات كهف لا يزال هناك أيدي رشها في جميع انحاء مع الأرض الحمراء، لمحات من البيسون متعدد الألوان كل فأل يسأل. وهكذا يسعى فن التعبير ومظاهره المتفرج تشارك مرة أخرى، وتحديد ومشاركتهم في فن artista.El معدل البحث عن المنتج وarnonia، والجمال هو بسبب أن الدولة محة الرحيمة التي توحدنا مع الكون و كل ما يجعلنا نشعر بوجود الله كما الرحمة، هو شعورنا، لدينا تعريف أنيما، الكائنات الحية. الحالية صورتين قد تم بدافع I لتبادل والتوصية، والالتزام سيدة والثقافة والفنون بيرو
GALERIE D'ART AMALIA SANTAMARIA définissez-vous la beauté? Peut-être le vert qui nous ramène à notre mammifères. Probablement le regard calme et vierge d'un sage. Chez l'enfant visage rond ou femme formes curvilignes. commentaire à l'avance que ces définitions entrent dans le concept des restes de la santé des mammifères Roi Lion crinière, crinières des chevaux arabes, sont des messages qui définissent l'alpha et le mâle. Les Grecs ont fait l'honneur de Zeus Olympien, avec panhelléniques Jeux qui valorisait Gimnasia, mais Athènes et la démocratie honneur sciences et philosophie. Dans l'art grec est né avec des flûtes de Pan et lyres, de la musique et la parole vient de Muses à l'origine identifié avec Delphi. Les plus anciennes peintures rupestres est encore une main autour saupoudrées avec de la terre rouge, les profils de bisons polychromes tout présage demander. Ainsi, l'art cherche l'expression, les manifestations de spectateurs participent à nouveau, leur identification et leur participation au taux de recherche de produits artista.El art et arnonia, la beauté est parce que l'état regard miséricordieux qui nous unit avec le cosmos et la tout ce qui nous fait sentir la présence de Dieu comme miséricorde, il est notre sens, notre définition de ANIMA, les êtres vivants. Présenter deux images que j'ai été motivé à partager et à recommander, comme un engagement à une dame et de la culture et des arts du Pérou
ART GALLERY آماليا سانتاماريا تعرفين الجمال؟ ولعل الخضراء التي يعيدنا إلى الثدييات لدينا. ربما تبدو
هادئة والبكر من حكيم. في الطفل الوجه أو امرأة الجولة الأشكال المنحنية. مسبقا تعليق أن هذه التعريفات تقع ضمن مفهوم بقايا صحة الثدييات بدة الأسد الملك، المانوية الخيول العربية، هي الرسائل التي تحدد ألفا والذكور. جعل اليونانيين شرف زيوس الأولمبي، مع ألعاب الهلينية بقيمة جيمناسيا، ولكن أثينا والديمقراطية العلوم كرمت والفلسفة. في الفن اليوناني ولدت مع المزامير عموم والقيثارات والموسيقى والكلمة يأتي من يفكر حددت أصلا مع دلفي. أقدم اللوحات كهف لا يزال هناك أيدي رشها في جميع انحاء مع الأرض الحمراء، لمحات من البيسون متعدد الألوان كل فأل يسأل. وهكذا يسعى فن التعبير ومظاهره المتفرج تشارك مرة أخرى، وتحديد ومشاركتهم في فن artista.El معدل البحث عن المنتج وarnonia، والجمال هو بسبب أن الدولة محة الرحيمة التي توحدنا مع الكون و كل ما يجعلنا نشعر بوجود الله كما الرحمة، هو شعورنا، لدينا تعريف أنيما، الكائنات الحية. الحالية صورتين قد تم بدافع I لتبادل والتوصية، والالتزام سيدة والثقافة والفنون بيرو
jueves, 20 de abril de 2017
Human Rights Last Generation
Poruqe Huamnos Rights of 3rd Generation
Autonomies Native and indigenous communities and the Environment. I have touched the Autonomies and Nations. In close relation are the Peasant Communities or Ayllus or Clans in that sense I have attached a link with the photograph of the origins of the English language, but this is demonstrated by deep studies of the human genome, that the English race does not come from any kingdom of the Tribes of the north of Europe but they are unique, as well as the Irish race that is known for being the first missions of the North Sea that even arrived at the Ultima Thule, and well as it is recognized that the languages although they have a rich diversity also Can trace their origins and form a genealogical tree that takes us back to Mesopotamia or China, and as it is recognized that languages gave rise to being human properly, also the culture that from the very dawn of the humanodad reconcoe potato, aji , The corn as originating in Peru in the Cueva del Hombre de Lricocha, when the potato was a bitter fruit and the maize was about the size of a fingernail, or when rec Oncen in the glaciers of this cave of Huanuco, the very origin of the pachamanca, and the remains indicate a narrow valley with remains of newly born auquenifdos that reveal the very birth not only of the agriculture but of the livestock, and thus as it says First was the word to take account of the differentiation between man and nature, the conquest of the Panandan man, points us the same realities with nature and conquest and brotherhood with the earth, land that was dominated and in close relationship gave us in The Andean reality or the platforms or more properly as Duccio Bonavia says, the bamcales, and irrigation canals and the very notion of huaca as a demonstration of lordship and technology of the first degree of astrology. Thus peasant communities or ayllues represent the arrival of this gigantic strain and also the acclimatization and the emergence of civilization in 1800 valleys and rivers of the Andes and deserts, which as Archipelago I lay the bases mimsa kingdoms and empires, culminating in Tupac Amaru II as the last Inca, and had rejoined with Garcilazo de la Vega Inca, the first mestizo, and reminds the founding pioneers and families of their own ancestral and mythological connotation, and the very foundation of nations, Our country pallar and pisco, loom and ceramics, all products of that unrepeatable moment and of original culture that reconcoe the moche gold as of the finest purity and of unknown technology, or as Claude Levi Straus points out in The Way of The Masks It brings back to the last glaciaion and the masks that in the west coast of the USA represent Japanese fish and the ancestral techniques esquimales of kayaks with skin of fish, and Above all the ayllu, or brand or clan, and his own totem and brotherhood with a brother animal, which Nature points out to us, and that as Francis of Assisi said the revolutionary of the Catholic Church, we must sing as Hermano Sol Hermana Luna And return to the mystical path touched by Gustavo Gutoierrez and Liberation Theology, because humanity is not reason but imagination and to reach the principles included in the pure sciences requires a mystical examination a resume our relationship with God and Nature . Remembering Albert Einstein with his God does not play dice, which clearly indicates that the Universe has not been a source of chance, and Sigmund Freud with his sentence that the human being is nothing more than a rider in his reason, mounted on a And then finally say that Man has everything to his hands, but he is not happy, because the devil has chosen to hide the happiness within him so that he can not find it and in part he has projected his own desrttuccion as Erich Frohm points out with the trilogy of Oedipism Narcissism and Nercfilia, which had already given rise to Julius Caesar Napoleon and Hitler, but now hangs over us as Climate change, the last affront to that ignorance, that egocentrism, that porpian ignorance Of an isolated being, who confronts us with the last catastrophe, the catastrophe of the climatic change and the possible disappearance of everything coined. Let us therefore return to Hogar as a linking of the house that gives warmth to the family, and to Athens, with its democracy and citizenship, and give a more alternative to Man, and to the phenomenal city that has not more than a few years.
Autonomies Native and indigenous communities and the Environment. I have touched the Autonomies and Nations. In close relation are the Peasant Communities or Ayllus or Clans in that sense I have attached a link with the photograph of the origins of the English language, but this is demonstrated by deep studies of the human genome, that the English race does not come from any kingdom of the Tribes of the north of Europe but they are unique, as well as the Irish race that is known for being the first missions of the North Sea that even arrived at the Ultima Thule, and well as it is recognized that the languages although they have a rich diversity also Can trace their origins and form a genealogical tree that takes us back to Mesopotamia or China, and as it is recognized that languages gave rise to being human properly, also the culture that from the very dawn of the humanodad reconcoe potato, aji , The corn as originating in Peru in the Cueva del Hombre de Lricocha, when the potato was a bitter fruit and the maize was about the size of a fingernail, or when rec Oncen in the glaciers of this cave of Huanuco, the very origin of the pachamanca, and the remains indicate a narrow valley with remains of newly born auquenifdos that reveal the very birth not only of the agriculture but of the livestock, and thus as it says First was the word to take account of the differentiation between man and nature, the conquest of the Panandan man, points us the same realities with nature and conquest and brotherhood with the earth, land that was dominated and in close relationship gave us in The Andean reality or the platforms or more properly as Duccio Bonavia says, the bamcales, and irrigation canals and the very notion of huaca as a demonstration of lordship and technology of the first degree of astrology. Thus peasant communities or ayllues represent the arrival of this gigantic strain and also the acclimatization and the emergence of civilization in 1800 valleys and rivers of the Andes and deserts, which as Archipelago I lay the bases mimsa kingdoms and empires, culminating in Tupac Amaru II as the last Inca, and had rejoined with Garcilazo de la Vega Inca, the first mestizo, and reminds the founding pioneers and families of their own ancestral and mythological connotation, and the very foundation of nations, Our country pallar and pisco, loom and ceramics, all products of that unrepeatable moment and of original culture that reconcoe the moche gold as of the finest purity and of unknown technology, or as Claude Levi Straus points out in The Way of The Masks It brings back to the last glaciaion and the masks that in the west coast of the USA represent Japanese fish and the ancestral techniques esquimales of kayaks with skin of fish, and Above all the ayllu, or brand or clan, and his own totem and brotherhood with a brother animal, which Nature points out to us, and that as Francis of Assisi said the revolutionary of the Catholic Church, we must sing as Hermano Sol Hermana Luna And return to the mystical path touched by Gustavo Gutoierrez and Liberation Theology, because humanity is not reason but imagination and to reach the principles included in the pure sciences requires a mystical examination a resume our relationship with God and Nature . Remembering Albert Einstein with his God does not play dice, which clearly indicates that the Universe has not been a source of chance, and Sigmund Freud with his sentence that the human being is nothing more than a rider in his reason, mounted on a And then finally say that Man has everything to his hands, but he is not happy, because the devil has chosen to hide the happiness within him so that he can not find it and in part he has projected his own desrttuccion as Erich Frohm points out with the trilogy of Oedipism Narcissism and Nercfilia, which had already given rise to Julius Caesar Napoleon and Hitler, but now hangs over us as Climate change, the last affront to that ignorance, that egocentrism, that porpian ignorance Of an isolated being, who confronts us with the last catastrophe, the catastrophe of the climatic change and the possible disappearance of everything coined. Let us therefore return to Hogar as a linking of the house that gives warmth to the family, and to Athens, with its democracy and citizenship, and give a more alternative to Man, and to the phenomenal city that has not more than a few years.
miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017
Trujillo, January 06, 2010
Mr. Dr. Pedro Guillermo Urbina Ganvini
President Superior Court of Justice of La Libertad
The undersigned Dr. Pedro Quiñones Figueroa is Medico Surgeon, Master in Public Health, International Consultant and President of the NGO Satyagraha - Aferraos with Force to the Truth or Force of the Soul, postulate of the Mahatma Gandhi, and the Institute of Health and , Human Rights, which also includes the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, institutions that has among its aims: promote promotion and training on issues related to the protection of the family, strengthen the teaching of human rights and carry out development actions, in the region.
As stated in the Political Constitution of Peru: "It is the right and duty of neighbors to participate in municipal government" (article 31) and "Municipalities have competence to participate in the management of activities and services inherent to the State" ( Article 192, subsection 6), and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Every person has duties to the community ... and in the exercise of his rights and in the enjoyment of his freedoms, everyone shall be subject to the limitations Of the law to ensure the right and freedom of others "(article 29).
Aware of the training conducted by the Court that you preside over 400 ronderos in Huamachuco, and considering also the Fundamental Rights of the Person and the right To information, education and health, is that we ask you to provide us with the materials of this training, so that it serves our NGO as a normative guide as information and Participation of social leaders and to disseminate this information, advancing in this way in the intersectoral actions of the State,
The dissemination of Human Rights and as a contribution to the construction of Citizenship, so important for the country.
Thanking you in advance for your attention and committing ourselves to maintaining coordination with your worthy Presidency,
Dr. Pedro Quiñones Figueroa
ID. 07197754 CMP. 21344
Tel. 674241 Cell Claro 94872133208
I use the case of peasant self-defense groups and their treatment regarding potential reparations benefits to explore the challenges involved in combining a human rights agenda with issues of historical interpretation..
Trujillo, January 06, 2010
Mr. Dr. Pedro Guillermo Urbina Ganvini
President Superior Court of Justice of La Libertad
The undersigned Dr. Pedro Quiñones Figueroa is Medico Surgeon, Master in Public Health, International Consultant and President of the NGO Satyagraha - Aferraos with Force to the Truth or Force of the Soul, postulate of the Mahatma Gandhi, and the Institute of Health and , Human Rights, which also includes the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, institutions that has among its aims: promote promotion and training on issues related to the protection of the family, strengthen the teaching of human rights and carry out development actions, in the region.
As stated in the Political Constitution of Peru: "It is the right and duty of neighbors to participate in municipal government" (article 31) and "Municipalities have competence to participate in the management of activities and services inherent to the State" ( Article 192, subsection 6), and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Every person has duties to the community ... and in the exercise of his rights and in the enjoyment of his freedoms, everyone shall be subject to the limitations Of the law to ensure the right and freedom of others "(article 29).
Aware of the training conducted by the Court that you preside over 400 ronderos in Huamachuco, and considering also the Fundamental Rights of the Person and the right To information, education and health, is that we ask you to provide us with the materials of this training, so that it serves our NGO as a normative guide as information and Participation of social leaders and to disseminate this information, advancing in this way in the intersectoral actions of the State,
The dissemination of Human Rights and as a contribution to the construction of Citizenship, so important for the country.
Thanking you in advance for your attention and committing ourselves to maintaining coordination with your worthy Presidency,
Dr. Pedro Quiñones Figueroa
ID. 07197754 CMP. 21344
Tel. 674241 Cell Claro 94872133208
I use the case of peasant self-defense groups and their treatment regarding potential reparations benefits to explore the challenges involved in combining a human rights agenda with issues of historical interpretation..
Victim Reparations in the Peruvian Truth Commission and the Challenge of Historical Interpretation
Int J Transit Justice (2008) 2 (1): 63-82.
01 March 2008
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